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RMR Testing


RMR results allow for personalized caloric intake plans to ensure you are consuming enough calories for optimal body function but not exceeding your needs, potentially leading to weight gain and associated health risks.

What is RMR Testing & why should you do it?


RMR testing centers on the fundamental concept of metabolism, the intricate process by which your body converts food (calories) into fuel (energy). RMR stands for Resting Metabolic Rate, and the science behind the test revolves around measuring how many calories your body burns at complete rest.


The underlying physiology: Your RMR fuels essential bodily functions like breathing, circulation, maintaining body temperature, and organ activity. These functions continue 24/7, even when you're seemingly doing nothing. RMR testing helps quantify the exact amount of energy your body dedicates to these basal processes.


Testing method: Typically you will be seated in a relaxed position and given a mouthpiece to breathe into.  The RMR machine will analyze the oxygen (O2) you consume and the carbon dioxide (CO2) you release while resting. Using well-established scientific equations, we can calculate your RMR based on the volume of oxygen used and the ratio of CO2 to O2.


Significance of RMR: Knowing your RMR provides valuable data for creating personalized plans for weight management, optimizing nutrition, and understanding your body's metabolism.


Personalized calorie goals: RMR forms the foundation of your Total Daily Energy Expenditure (TDEE). By adding the calories burned through daily activities and exercise to your RMR, you get a personalized picture of your total calorie needs. This helps with weight management strategies, determining if you need to be in a calorie surplus for muscle gain or a deficit for weight loss.


Metabolic profile: RMR testing can sometimes analyze the fuel source your body prioritizes at rest (fats vs. carbohydrates). This information can be helpful for optimizing your diet for better performance or managing health conditions.

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RMR Testing and Longevity

The connection between RMR testing and longevity isn't as direct as VO2 max testing, but it can still be a valuable tool for promoting a healthy lifestyle that contributes to a longer lifespan. Here's how:


RMR & Calorie Management for Longevity

  • Metabolic Efficiency and Aging: There's ongoing research into the connection between metabolic efficiency (how well your body uses energy) and longevity. Some theories suggest that a slightly lower RMR, indicating efficient use of calories, might be beneficial for longevity.

  • RMR as a Baseline for Personalized Diet: Knowing your RMR allows you to create a personalized calorie intake plan. This helps ensure you're consuming enough calories for optimal body function but not exceeding your needs, potentially leading to weight gain and associated health risks.


RMR & Disease Prevention for Longevity

  • Obesity and Chronic Disease Risk: Maintaining a healthy weight is crucial for longevity. RMR helps you understand your body's baseline calorie needs, making it easier to create a sustainable weight management plan and reduce the risk of obesity-related chronic diseases like heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and some cancers.


Limitations to Consider

  • Not a Longevity Predictor: RMR itself isn't a direct predictor of lifespan. Many other factors influence longevity.

  • Focus on Healthy Habits: The key takeaway from RMR testing is to understand your body's calorie needs and use this information to develop healthy eating habits that promote overall well-being and potentially contribute to a longer life.


Overall, RMR testing provides valuable insights into your body's metabolism, which can be a stepping stone to creating a personalized plan for healthy eating and weight management. These habits, along with other lifestyle choices, can contribute to a longer and healthier life.

How can RMR help create a diet plan for weight loss?

RMR helps calculate TDEE or Total daily energy expenditure. This is combination of body's basal metabolic rate which is essentially same as Resting Metabolic Rate (energy spent to carry out body essential functions like circulation, breathing etc), thermic effect of food (energy used to breakdown food) and total energy spent on physical activity. 

Once total TDEE is calculated. A nutritional plan with calorie deficit can be created to achieve weight-loss. Learn more about our weight loss program here.

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