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Warm Up on the Beach
  • What does VO2 max test measure?
    VO2 max test measures oxygen consumption of your body at max exertion.
  • How is VO2 max performed?
    VO2 max test is done while wearing a mask which calculates your oxygen consumption and carbondioxide production. VO2 is performed on treadmill or stationary bicycle. You start with minimal exertion and gradually increase effort to your maximum. During this time your heart rate is tracked with a chest strap.
  • How often should I test myself to track progress?
    8 - 12 weeks. If you are training consistently you will see progress in 8 - 12 weeks. It could be even soon for individuals who are training more intensely. If you start seeing lower HR at the same power or pace that means its time to get retested.
  • How long does it take to do a VO2 max test?
    Whole process may take up to 20 mins. Actual time you will spend on treadmill or stationary bike is 8-12 mins.
  • What factors influence VO2 max?
    Several factors can influence VO2 max, which is a measure of the body's ability to consume oxygen during exercise. Some key influences on VO2 max include cardiovascular health, lung function, muscle quality, and overall physical activity levels. Factors such as age, gender, genetics, and altitude can also play a role in determining an individual's VO2 max.
  • Is VO2 max test safe?
    VO2 max test is done either on a treadmill or stationary bicycle and generally very safe. If you have any known history of heart or lung disease please consult your doctor before scheduling VO2 max test.
  • What is respiratory exchange ratio or RER?
    The respiratory exchange ratio (RER) is the ratio between the amount of carbon dioxide (CO2) produced in metabolism and oxygen (O2) used. It shows the muscle's oxidative capacity to get energy. It is commonly used with a VO2 max test as an indicator when the participant is nearing exhaustion and the limits of their cardio respiratory system.
  • What is Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR)?
    Resting Metabolic Rate or RMR is the energy consumed by the body while at complete rest. This is the amount of energy used by the body to maintain basic body functions like breathing, circulation and other cellular processes.
  • How is RMR different from Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR)?
    RMR and BMR both represent the energy expended by the body at rest, but RMR is typically measured under more relaxed conditions, allowing for slight variations in activity level and food intake prior to testing. BMR, on the other hand, is measured under strict conditions, usually in a laboratory setting, and represents the minimum energy expenditure required for basic physiological functions.
  • Why is knowing my RMR important?
    Knowing your RMR helps you calculate total calories required by your body in a day. It provides valuable information for weight management, as it serves as a baseline for determining calorie requirements and creating personalized nutrition and fitness plans.
  • What factors influence my RMR?
    Several factors can influence RMR, including age, gender, body composition (muscle mass vs. fat mass), genetics, hormonal factors, and certain medical conditions or medications.
  • How is RMR measured?
    RMR is often measured using indirect calorimetry. During the test you breath in and out of a tube which is connected to the sensor that analyzes the oxygen consumed and carbon dioxide produced during rest to calculate energy expenditure.
  • How can I calculate my total daily energy expenditure if I know my RMR?
    Total daily energy expenditure (TDEE) is calculated with the following equation TDEE = RMR + TEF + Physical activity TEF: Thermic effect of food Physical activity: includes both exercise and non exercise physical activity.
  • Do you have parking?
    Ample parking is available. There are free angled parking spaces on Willow St. There is also free parking within the Elston Industrial Lofts building and can be accessed off of Willow Street by driving up to the garage door on the NW corner of Elston and Willow. The doors will open and heated parking is found inside. If no free parking is available, there is metered parking on the West side of Elston Ave!
  • Is there signage out front?
    We don't have any street signage for Blue Zone out front, however you will see signage for Edge Athlete Lounge @ 1747 N Elston. We are located within Edge Athlete Lounge as we have complimentary businesses in the health and wellness space.
  • What should I wear?
    If you are signing up for a VO2 Max test, make sure to wear athletic clothing and running shoes and be prepared to sweat! If you have booked an RMR test or a DEXA scan, regular clothing is sufficient to run the tests.
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